Jirki Thibaut (°1993) is a PhD student in the History Department with a specialization in the medieval period at Ghent University (main institution) and the University of Leuven (joint institution). She is interested in female religious life in the Early and High Middle Ages. Her research examines the organization and observance of female religious communities in ninth- to eleventh-century Saxony. More specifically, she focuses on how an ambiguous form of institutional identity, and social and religious organization enabled female communities to shape a narrative of the self that was both credible and socially relevant. This research is part of the project, sponsered by the FWO (Research Foundation-Flanders), ‘Re-evaluating female monasticism’s “ambiguous identity” in the ninth- to eleventh-century West’ supervised by Steven Vanderputten (UGent).
Supervisors: Steven Vanderputten (UGent) and Brigitte Meijns (KU Leuven)