Ghent University (2023-2025)
History of Modern Philosophy (BA course in Early Modern Philosophy, as course-responsible) (2024-2025)
Philosophical Issues in the Life Sciences (MA-course in philosophy; as co-teacher in 2023, appointed as responsible teacher in 2024)
History of Early Modern Philosophy (Research Master philosophy course; as co-teacher in 2023-2024)
Heidelberg University (2018-2023)
Kants Prolegomena: zur Einführung in Kants theoretische Philosophie. Proseminar Wintersemester 2022-2023. Introductory course in History of Philosophy.
Leibniz‘ theoretische Philosophie. Hauptseminar Wintersemester 2022-2023. Upper level course in History of Philosophy.
Funktion und Dysfunktion. Hauptseminar Summer Semester 2022. Upper level course in Philosophy of Biology.
Mensch und Tier. Proseminar Summer Semester 2022. Intermediary course in Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Biology.
Kant: Die Antinomie der reinen Vernunft. Hauptseminar Winter Semester 2021-2022. Upper level course on Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.
Wissen und Wissenschaft bei Locke. Versuch über den menschlichen Verstand Buch 4. Proseminar Winter Semester 2021-2022. Introductory course on Locke’s Essay.
Early Modern Women's Voices on Substance, Causation, and the Mind-Body Problem. Research Colloquium Summer Semester 2021. Graduate research seminar on Metaphysics and Philosophy of Mind in Elizabeth, Cavendish, and Conway. Co-taught with Jonathan Shaheen (Ghent University).
Anschauung und Begriff. Die transzendentale Ästhetik und die transzendentale Analytik der Begriffe in Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Hauptseminar Summer Semester 2021. Upper level course on Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.
Descartes‘ Meditationen. Eine Einführung in die Philosophie der frühen Neuzeit. Proseminar Summer Semester 2021. Introductory course on Descartes‘ Meditations.
Wissenschaftliche Erklärungen. Hauptseminar, Winter Semester 2020-2021. Upper level course on Scientific Explanation.
Humes Untersuchung über den menschlichen Verstand. Proseminar, Winter Semester 2020-2021. Introductory course on Hume’s Enquiry.
Leibniz und Locke über Ideen: Leibniz‘ Neue Abhandlungen über den menschlichen Verstand und der Rationalismus-Empirismus-Gegensatz. Hauptseminar Summer Semester 2020. Upper level course on the first half of Leibniz’s New Essays Concerning Human Understanding.
Die Natur und die Entwicklung der Wissenschaft Summer Semester 2020. Eine Einführung in die Wissenschaftsphilosophie. Proseminar. Introductory course to the philosophy of science.
Die mechanistische Philosophie. Proseminar Winter Semester 2019-2020. Intermediate level course on important texts and topics from 17th century mechanistic philosophy and its opponents.
Kants Kritik der teleologischen Urteilskraft. Hauptseminar Winter Semester 2019-2020. Upper level course on the second part of Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgment.
Spinoza: theoretische Philosophie. Hauptseminar Summer Semester 2019. Upper level course on the first two parts of Spinoza’s Ethics.
Leibniz: theoretische Philosophie. Proseminar Summer Semester 2019. Intermediate level course on Leibniz’s theoretical philosophy.
Philosophy of Biology. Hauptseminar Winter Semester 2018-2019. Upper level course on philosophy of biology.
Französische historische Epistemologie. Proseminar Winter Semester 2018-2019. Intermediate level course on French Historical Epistemology.
University of Amsterdam (2016-2018)
Wetenschapsfilosofie: Vakspecifiek deel. 2nd Year Bachelor introductory Philosophy of Science course, co-taught with Federica Russo and Lukas Verburgt. (course taught in Dutch and in English)
Colloquium Filosofie van een bepaald Wetenschapsgebied: Master Course in Philosophy of a Special Science, co-taught with Federica Russo. (course taught in English)
Philosophical Approaches to the Sciences: 3rd Year Bachelor advanced course in Philosophy of Science, taught with Federica Russo. (course taught in English)
Geschiedenis van de Wijsbegeerte: 1st year Bachelor introductory course in History of Philosophy, co-taught with Hein van den Berg (course coordinator), and Matthijs Joncker (teaches the other seminar). I teach 3 of the 4 seminar groups for this course. (course taught in Dutch)
Bachelorscriptievak Postmodernisme: 3rd year Bachelor course in Continental Philosophy. Prepares for and includes the Bachelor’s thesis. (course taught in Dutch)
Wetenschapsfilosofie 1: 2nd Year Bachelor introductory Philosophy of Science (specifically of the humanities) course (teaching 2 out of 4 seminar groups), taught with Lukas Verburgt (coordinator) and Azadeh Achbari. (course taught in Dutch)
Philosophy of the Humanities: 3rd year Bachelor introductory Philosophy of Science course for students of English language and literature and Literary and Cultural Analysis (teaching 2 out of 6 seminar groups for this course), with Stephan Besser (course co-ordinator) and Azadeh Achbari. (course taught in English)
Wetenschapsfilosofie 2: 2nd Year Bachelor intermediate course to Philosophy of Science, as coordinator and teaching 2 out of 4 seminar groups for this course. (course taught in Dutch)
Tekst, Context and Debat: 2nd year Bachelor intermediate course on a specific text, teaching 4 out of 8 writing seminar groups for this course. (course taught in Dutch)
Geschiedenis van de Wijsbegeerte: 1st year Bachelor introductory course in History of Philosophy, taught with Hein van den Berg (course coordinator), and Matthijs Joncker (teaches the other seminar). I teach 3 of the 4 seminar groups for this course. (course taught in Dutch)
Philosophical Approaches to the Sciences: 3rd Year Bachelor advanced course in Philosophy of Science, taught alone. (course taught in English)
Bachelorscriptievak Wetenschapsfilosofie: 3rd year Bachelor course in Philosophy of Science. Prepares for and includes the Bachelor’s thesis. (course taught in Dutch)
Ghent University (2008-2016)
Guest-lecture on "Kant's Transcendental Deduction" for the course "Grondige studie van teksten uit de moderne en hedendaagse wijsbegeerte" (Master in Philosophy, Ghent University) taught by Prof. Dr. Gertrudis Van de Vijver. Academic years: 2008-2009 until 2015-2016.
Course-assistant "Wijsbegeerte" (2nd year Bachelor in biochemistry and biotechnology, Ghent University, on philosophy of biology) taught by Prof. Dr. Gertrudis Van de Vijver. Academic years: 2010-2011 until 2015-2016 – co-teacher in academic year 2013-2014.
Course-assistant “Filosofische Vaardigheden en Methodiek 2” (2nd year Bachelor Philosophy, Ghent University, on Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein and Quine) taught by Prof. Dr. Gertrudis Van de Vijver. Academic Years: 2012-2013; 2013-2014 - Academic Year 2015-2016: Guest class on Frege’s “Über Sinn und Bedeutung”.
Course-assistant “Moderne en Hedendaagse Wijsbegeerte” (3rd year Bachelor Philosophy, Ghent University, on late Husserl and Heidegger) taught by Prof. Dr. Gertrudis Van de Vijver. Academic Years: 2013-2014; 2014-2015, 2015-2016.