Elene Vernaeve is a PhD student at the History Department of Ghent University, where she has a been a student since her undergraduate studies. She obtained her master’s degree in History in 2022 with a dissertation on the expansion of transportation networks in Belgian Congo (1908-1939). Afterwards, she obtained a master’s degree in International Politics in 2023 with a dissertation on the contemporary labour regimes in the Congolese palm oil business. Her research interest include development politics, knowledge production, socio-economic, colonial and environmental history.
In May 2024, Elene became part of the ERC project (Post)colonial Cattle Frontiers under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Samuël Coghe. Her research addresses the commoditization of land, labour and environment for cattle-farming in Belgian Congo. Additionally, she will also pay attention to the post-colonial developments of cattle production.