Eva Van Hoey earned a Master's degree in Modern Comparative Literature (2019) at Ghent University and an inter-university Master in Literary Studies (2020). During the third year of her Bachelor's degree, she studied one semester at the University of Sevilla, Spain.
In 2020, after being awarded a Special Research Fund Scholarship (BOF), she started her PhD research under supervision of Prof. Dr. Ilse Logie. In 2021 she was granted a FWO fellowship for the same research project. In her project, Eva investigates how contemporary Argentinian and Mexican authors use the genre of the chronicle, i.e. a combination of literature and journalism, to narrate, document, and denounce violence against women on the subcontinent.
In February 2022, Eva won the Primer Accésit of the Premio de los Duques de Soria for her MA thesis on the literary representation of gender violence.
Eva is a member of Encuentro, the Latin American network in Belgium, the CMSI, and the Human Rights Research Network. She has also been a visiting scholar at the Universitat de Barcelona (Spain), the Radboud Universiteit (The Netherlands), and the Universidad de Alcalá (Spain). Broader research interests include contemporary Latin American literature, genre studies, gender studies, and the (ethical) representation of violence.
If you want to know more about Eva's research: https://www.sciencefiguredout.be/gender-violence-through-lens-latin-amer...