Jente De Coninck is a doctoral researcher under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Wendelien Vantieghem and Prof. Dr Peter Stevens. He received his bachelor's degree in Social Work from AP Hogeschool in 2019 and obtained his master's degree in Sociology from the University of Antwerp in 2022.
Inspired by a deep desire to better understand the dynamics of social justice and inequality, he began working as a PhD-researcher at the Center for Diversity & Learning (Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Arts & Philosophy - Ghent University) after his studies. During his PhD he investigates diversity and inclusion in higher education, with a particular focus on access to higher education, sense of belonging and social cohesion within the university context. To this end, he focuses on students from ethnic-cultural minority groups and in socio-economically vulnerable positions. His work contributes to the broader question of how society can find its way to a more inclusive, socially cohesive and equitable future (within academia) for all.