Jimma, Ethiopia, May 2024: Annual Meeting of VLIR-UOS Team Project:Storytelling and Young People Coping with Crisis: Oral Narratives and Crisis Management in Kenya and Ethiopia’. (https://www.ol4d.ugent.be/ )
Kwale, Kenya, May 2023: 10 days: Annual Meeting of VLIR-UOS Team project: ‘Storytelling and Young People Coping with Crisis: Oral Narratives and Crisis Management in Kenya and Ethiopia’. (https://www.ol4d.ugent.be/ )
Presented a conference paper on "Ogre Narratives as a Pyschological Strategy for Social Morality among the Youths" in the Annual Kenya Oral Literature Assosiation (KOLA) Conference held ifrom 30/11/2023 to 2/12/2023 at Diani, Kwale County- Kenya
Read a research paper on “Representation of Dis-ease in Contemporary East African poetry” at Humboldt University in Germany on 11th July 2022
I was part of the Local Organizing Committee for the Annual International Conference on Role of Literature in a Global World under the themes: Value Creating Education and Critical Thinking in a Global World held under the University of Nairobi Research week at University of Nairobi in October 2019.