ACCOMPLISSH. Accelerate co-creation by setting up a multi-actor platform for impact from social sciences and humanities

Begin - Einde 
2016 - 2019 (lopend)
Vakgroep Geschiedenis
Andere instituten 
Department of Conflict and Development Studies
Department of Clinical-Experimental and Health Psychology



The carefully chosen acronym ACCOMPLISSH stands for: Accelerate co-creation by setting up a multi-actor platform for impact from Social Sciences and Humanities. It covers the project in a single word: we will accomplish the challenge of creating an innovative valorisation concept that will strengthen the position and impact generation of SSH research and contribute to innovation for a variety of lead-users and end-users.


Traditional valorisation approaches focus on linear processes: from academia to society. In order to bring valorisation to a higher level, all relevant actors need to cooperate in an equal setting: co-creation. Co-creation transcends boundaries, but it does not happen naturally. Therefore, the ACCOMPLISSH consortium, consisting of 14 universities from 12 countries, will actively involve the other partners from the so called Quadruple Helix (industry, governments and societal partners) within the project. The project has chosen an Open Innovation approach.

The ACCOMPLISSH project will set up a dialogue platform with representatives from academia, industry, governments and societal partners. The ACCOMPLISSH dialogue platform is organised in such a way that academia, industry, governments and societal partners equally contribute in identifying barriers and enablers of co-creation. The results from both practice and the theory of co-creation form the basis of the valorisation concept and will be tested in the project in a quadruple helix setting. This concept will be tested and developed in such a way that it is transferable, scalable and customized for academia, industry, governments and societal partners in the whole of Europe.

Role of Ghent University

Ghent University, together with the University of Glasgow, is work package leader of WP5 “Development of valorisation concept across the value chain”. A theoretical framework for the valorisation concept will be developed and constructed, as a result of the synthesis of co-creation theory and practice results from WP2 “Analysing co-­‐creation in theory and in practice”. This theoretical framework guides the analysis of co-creation into the valorisation concept. This result in an innovative, transnational and transferable valorisation concept that has proven its effectiveness in practice.



Postdoctorale medewerker(s)

Externe medewerkers

Koen Vlassenroot

Department of Conflict ans Development Studies

Alexis Dewaele

Department of Clinical-Experimental and Health Psychology

Ann Buysse

Department of Clinical-Experimental and Health Psychology