Analysing the Semantics and Interconnectedness of Paratexts and Texts in Byzantine Manuscripts: A Graph-based Approach.

Begin - Einde 
2022 - 2026 (lopend)



The main aim of this project is to research and develop advanced data management and data processing infrastructure, in order to more efficiently handle and explore both the textual and contextual data stored in the Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams (DBBE). To this end, a polyglot database system, in which the current relational DBBE coexists with a novel graph database that is well-suited to handle highly interconnected data, will be developed. In addition, research into three Computational Intelligence techniques for advanced data exploration and analysis will be performed, namely (1) advanced similarity measures for subgraphs, (2) relevance measures for subgraphs indicating, amongst other things, which words or verses are important within (a given subset of) the graph database and (3) advanced pattern recognition techniques. Furthermore, FAIR principles for open data that aim for improving Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reuse of data will be incorporated in every part of this newly developed system.



Externe medewerkers

Antoon Bronselaer

DDCM - UGent

Maxime Deforche

Department of Telecommunications and Information Processing - Ghent University

Guy De Tré

Universiteit Gent - Database, Document and Content Management (DDCM) Research Group