Jainism is a living Indian religious tradition, which rose around the sixth century BCE andlater developed into two branches: Digambarism and Śvetāmbarism. Central toDigambarism’s identity (dig-ambara, lit. "clothed in air") ...read more
Being enlisted as intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO since 2010, Kalbeliya dance from Rajasthan is nowadays generally conceptualized as an ancient tradition from India. However, this same dance practice, also ...read more
This research project aims at reconsidering the overall process of state formation in the Austrian Netherlands. Therefore, first of all three often neglected projects of institutional reform (1735, 1743 and ...read more
In classical India, philosophers from the different schools built a common area of discussions within which an agreement on philosophical issues could be achieved. Focusing on the 11th century CE ...read more
Nodding syndrome (NS) is a poorly understood condition characterized by repetitive involuntary nodding of the head, mental retardation and stunted growth, which mainly affects children aged five to fifteen years ...read more