“Empire of Print” studies the work of four late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century authors in the colonial and postcolonial press. Unlike the little magazine, the newspapers of the British Empire have not yet been fully examined in relation to modernism. These newspapers present an opportunity to shed new light on the modernist spatial imagination. Rather than turn to the global networks of modernism, the project examines the affective qualities of newspapers intended for local consumption. In particular, I explore how writers represented imperial spaces through affective registers, from Rudyard Kipling’s pieces on homesickness for Lahore’s Civil and Military Gazette to Jean Rhys’s writing on “the beauty of natural surroundings” and her “love for an island” in the Dominican Star. From the 1880s into the 1960s, descriptions of emotional attachment to the land abound in newspaper writings of both colonial and postcolonial authors. The argument I develop in “Empire of Print” is that these affective writings serve to make three geopolitical issues of an increasingly globalized world relatable for the local community: (1) imperialism, (2) tourism and (3) decolonization. In this manner, the project provides new insight into the importance of affect to modernist understandings of space, and into the little-known ways in which modernist writers used newspapers to shape the affective and political life of both colonial and colonized communities in the British Empire