In Hundred Days' Reform (1898), Liang Qichao梁启超came acquainted with the concept of Asianism, and his motivation was to reform the Chinese political system. This article tells the story of Liang more
The homogenisation process of Europe in the aftermath of the Second World War caused population shifts which left long-lasting impacts for both the people on the move as well as more
This project (PI: Dr. Yasmine Amory) aims to investigate interpersonal relationships and social interactions in Greco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt (III BCE-VII CE) through Greek documentary papyri. The research will more
The 5th century marks the transition from the Roman to the Medieval world, an essential turning point in European history. However, when we try to identify it in the archaeological more
My research examines linguistic awareness in the Greek world by focusing on ancient linguistic approaches that still inform the Modern Greek debate on the definition of a national language. The more
The aim of the project is to analyse the language of the two main Latin culinary handbooks, that is, Apicius' De re coquinaria and Anthimus' De obseruatione ciborum. more
According to the government website, “Sweden has the first feminist government in the world”. Compared to other European countries, the “woman question,” in Sweden, seems to have been treated in more
Researchers generally situate the origins of Belgian-Dutch blackface as a way to ridicule Afro-diasporic people in the second half of the nineteenth century, when Anglo-American minstrel troupes arrived in the Low more
This research project aims to investigate the relationships between image/picture and word in contemporary Italian poetry from the 1950s to the present day. The main point of view of the more
When you think about war literature, the first things that cross your mind are the testimonies of soldiers who fought in the trenches. Yet, it might surprise you that WWI also marked a more