In this project CDL and Tecolab, both affiliated with Ghent University, combine their complementary expertise to develop an e-course 'multilingualism and learning' for working teachers in nursary, primary and secondary more
In this ethnographic research project, we examine the implementation and application in Belgium of EU Directives 2010/64/EU and 2012/29/EU on the right to oral and written language assistance in criminal more
Throughout the history of mathematics, contemporary mathematics included, mathematicians have re-proved theorems by means of different proofs. The Pythagorean theorem is a clear example of this mathematical practice: more than more
‘Lability’ and ‘labile verbs’ refer to the phenomenon of valency alternation without a formal change in the verb. In most cases, it concerns the alternation between transitive and intransitive constructions. That more
This project will study gender relations and monsters in Oromo oral narratives, both as a way to map the gender-stereotypical discourse inherent in the narratives as well as the potentiality more
This project intends to investigate the contentious relation between German idealism and life sciences. It pays, on the one hand, major philosophical attention to how German idealistic philosophy takes up the concepts more
EGYCLASS is an international and interdisciplinary network of researchers dedicated to the study of social classes in Egypt. Its main partners are the Centre d'études et de documentation économiques, juridiques more
Many linguists believe that the language of our Indo-European ancestors had a considerable number of verbs which may appear both in intransitive and transitive constructions with no formal change in more
Left dislocation (LD) patterns consist of a topic and a comment which says something about the topic. The comment usually contains a resumptive element ('they' in (1), referring to 'the more
Word order optionality in the postfinite domain in North and Continental West Germanic has attracted much attention in generative syntax in the past three decades, in particular the phenomena known more