Identifying academic reading strategies in a multilingual context

Begin - Einde 
2010 - 2016 (lopend)
Vakgroep Taalkunde



The complexity of reading in a non-native language makes such a task almost insurmountable. Set against the multilingual educational background of Mozambique, this study explores the complexity of FL (Foreign Language) reading through qualitatively and quantitatively analysing the forms, ways, and mechanisms utilized by adult readers, i.e.  when trying to construct meaning in an  EAP (English for Academic Purposes) context. The aim is to identify reading strategies/skills readers apply to resolve reading problems. These research questions regarding skills/strategies (a) what skills/strategies do learners and users of English in an EAP-ESP-EFL context resort to to construct meaning from text, (b) to what extent are reading skills/strategies used effectively, and (c) to what extent are these learners/users aware of their own use of such reading skills/strategies? The identification of (i)  type of reading strategies , (ii) formulation  of suggestions for designing a template for effective reading courses in an EAP-ESP environment and at large, and the Language Center, in particular, are some of the specific issues I intend to cover. The methodology includes (1) Reading Comprehension test (IELTS reading section), (2) Questionnaires to assess the kind/ degree of learners’ awareness of their use of reading strategies/skills and (3) Self-revelation data ("thinking-aloud") stream-off consciousness, disclosure of thought process while information is being attended to); task completion to identify cognitive and metacognitive strategies and “support strategies”. We hope not only to identify cognitive and metacognitive reading strategies but also suggest the design of a teaching approach for university use.



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Manuel Cabinda

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