Belgium was one of the most devastated and looted countries at the end of the First World War. Yet the interwar period started with the optimistic notion of progress that more
Organizations do not operate independently from their environment. Many companies affect the local communities surrounding them. Society increasingly pressures these corporations to give something back to their local community, for more
This project explores the early modern attitude toward nature through the very popular literary medium of the "hofdicht". In this genre the gardens and country houses of the elite are more
Schedography is a Byzantine method of teaching Greek grammar, especially orthography and syntax. This method was used for more than five hundred years, from the eleventh century to the early more
This project aims to examine multiperspective narratives in contemporary media—novels, movies, and video games—through the lens of cultural and transmedial narratology. More specifically, I intend to foreground their experiential effects, more
This project engages with one of the most important enigmas in the history of pre-modern societies, namely the presumed impact of elite constraints on economic development. Capitalizing on a fortuitous more
Is generative AI ushering in a new dawn for writing evaluation?
The primary research objective of this project is to use state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to enable automatic writing support, for both more
This dissertation will interrogate the possibilities of blending literary trauma theory with ecocriticism to arrive at a new hermeneutics for reading, where human and environmental trauma are not viewed as more
Owing to their visual essence and status as a popular, modern medium, comics – newspaper strips, comics magazines and graphic novels – provide valuable insight into the transformation of collective consciousness.