This research project focuses upon the first paintings produced by Congolese in the DR Congo just before and during the colonial era, which show the influence of contact with westerners: more
In this project, I study the corpus of Byzantine hagiographies that feature a 'magos' (or magician). The goal is to produce an inventory of all hagiographical narratives in Greek which feature more
In 2012 werd op een perceel direct ten zuiden van hunebedden D36/D37, de ‘Valther Tweeling’, te Valthe een noodopgraving uitgevoerd door het Groninger Instituut voor Archeologie, waarbij verschillende bodemsporen en more
This research project (National Project 2021) is situated in the domain of multilingual and intercultural (digital) communication. The project aims to evaluate the multilingual Fedasil website ( through an analysis more
This project examines nationalizations in the copper industry in Latin America and Africa in the 1960s-70s, which involved some of the largest business expropriations in modern history. While nationalizations have more
Until now, the study of travel writing has mostly focused on the visual ‘gazes’ on foreign people and places. Challenging the longstanding neglect of non-visual sensations, this project more
The proposed project focuses on Chinese Buddhism on Mt. Jiuhua in the Mao era (1949–1978), especially during the Cultural Revolution (1966–1976) when the persecution of Buddhism was in full swing. more
Research conducted in the context of the current conservation/restoration project of Jan van Eyck’s Ghent Altarpiece and in preparation of our recent exhibition ‘Van Eyck: an Optical Revolution’, has opened more
Indian upland forest-dwellers – like many other indigenous communities around the globe – are under threat from resource extraction, agricultural development and de-forestation as are the material remains of their more