Ample evidence has been provided in the literature that interpreters are more than mere “translating machines” and that they do take up an active role in the triadic interaction of more
This research strives to overcome scientific knowledge gaps related to Sun Yat-sen’s life, as well as the gaps surrounding the concepts that are crucial in understanding his persona: Leninism, Christianity, more
To fully understand the long development of the form-function pairings involved in the Latin tenses, we must view them as part of a system - a system that relates to more
Hugo Grotius is best known as a legal scholar (Mare liberum, De iure belli ac pacis) and as a politician in Oldenbarnevelt's entourage. He was also interested in philology (he more
This project aims to reveal the connections between linguistic patterns and text-historical developments in a corpus of metrical paratexts in Byzantine manuscripts, situating these connections in the historical context of more
Het Steunpunt Centrale Toetsen in Onderwijs zet in op de ontwikkeling van rijke toetsen voor wiskunde en Nederlands in functie van onderwijsontwikkeling. Het Steunpunt bestaat uit een consortium van alle more
This project aims to chart and trace the dynamics and impact of the neo-avant-garde in Flemish literary magazines (1949-1979). These magazines are conceived as both a discursive network and an more
Current historiography on post-1970 women’s movements in Flanders is characterized by blindness to racialized power dynamics. This research challenges this blindness by using the framework of intersectionality as a critical more