Miracle or magic? The figure of the magos in Byzantine hagiography. A study of the corpus

Mirakel of magie? De figuur van de magiër in Byzantijnse hagiografie. Een studie van het corpus
Begin - Einde 
2021 - 2021 (lopend)
Andere instituten 
Georgetown University



In this project, I study the corpus of Byzantine hagiographies that feature a 'magos' (or magician). The goal is to produce an inventory of all hagiographical narratives in Greek which feature such figures. It will be a first necessary tool for studying the magician as a character type within the abundance of hagiographical sources that have been transmitted (many of which are still not available in modern editions today but only in editions in the famous Acta Sanctorum, ranging back to the 17th century, and in medieval manuscripts). 


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