When we talk about Belgium during the Second World War, the eighteen-day campaign almost always comes to mind. However, it is frequently overlooked that war had already been raging across ...read more
Low-educated learners make up a large, yet vulnerable population in the world today (Unesco, 2004). Little is known about the second language acquisition process of this group of learners, but there ...read more
This project focuses on the question to what degree the functioning of language norms is invidually and culturally determined. This question is key to fully fathom the social and cognitive functioning ...read more
Unlike athletes, musicians receive little or no education regarding the most effective ways to prepare their bodies and minds for the high demands of performing music. The SAMUSE project addresses ...read more
Eight Years: Joseph Kosuth in Ghent from 1990 to 1998: a cross-reference exhibition of information on the presence of an American artist in a Belgian city: consisting of a spatial ...read more
The popularity of the Digital Humanities has significantly increased in the last decade. However, to what extent are digital methods truly becoming embedded into everyday research practices in the Humanities ...read more
Professional actresses were among the few women to build wide literary networks and play an active cultural role in early modern Italy. Yet moralists commonly labelled them as ‘weavers of ...read more
The starting point of this research proposal is that shedding light onto the question of whether there could be a markedly Kantian philosophy of language must pass through a thorough ...read more
The Digo subgroup are tone of the groups in the Mijikenda community in Kenya. They primarily inhabit the southern coast and interior regions of Kwale, Kenya. The Digo people possess a ...read more