Het onderzoek heeft als doel meer inzicht te verkrijgen in het ontstaan, de evolutie en het belang (zowel vroeger als vandaag) van de collectie van architect Pierre-Jacques Goetghebuer (1788-1866), die ...read more
Literary historians have often noted the ‘conventional’ nature of 14th-century Middle Dutch verse romance or ridderroman. While the corpus has long been depreciated as derivative, a mixture of older romance ...read more
The material culture study of historic macro-lithic tools has been ignored for a long time. Traditionally, lithic studies have mainly been restricted to the investigation of pre- and proto-historic artefacts, ...read more
Studying the relationship between nature and human beings is one of the main propositions of Chinese philosophy. The garden is a material formation of the ideal landscape 山水, and the ...read more
Increasingly, language test scores are used to make decisions that have a fundamental impact on the lives of people, but we know little about the decision-making processes underlying these practices. ...read more
This research project focuses upon the first paintings produced by Congolese in the DR Congo just before and during the colonial era, which show the influence of contact with westerners: ...read more
In this project, I study the corpus of Byzantine hagiographies that feature a 'magos' (or magician). The goal is to produce an inventory of all hagiographical narratives in Greek which feature ...read more
In 2012 werd op een perceel direct ten zuiden van hunebedden D36/D37, de ‘Valther Tweeling’, te Valthe een noodopgraving uitgevoerd door het Groninger Instituut voor Archeologie, waarbij verschillende bodemsporen en ...read more