Understanding accents: the intelligibility of regional and non-native accents to English as a Foreign Language learners

Accenten begrijpen: de verstaanbaarheid van regionale en anderstalige accenten voor leerders van het Engels als Vreemde Taal
Begin - Einde 
2024 - 2027 (lopend)
Vakgroep Taalkunde



Listening to a language which is not one's own native language can be surprisingly difficult, even for advanced learners. This is especialy so when the speaker has an unfamiliar regional or non-native accent. While listeners can easily deal with variation in their native language, coping with accent variation in a non-native language is more difficult. In the case of English, with its millions of native and non-native speakers, language learners need to be able to understand a wide variety of accents in English. The aim of the project is to examine to what extent English as a Foreign Language learners experience dificulties when listening to regional and non-native accented speech, which aspects especially hamper intelligibility and how we can train learners on the perception of accented speech in English. Through the project, we will gain a deeper understanding of what causes intelligibility problems and how we can remedy these through training, eventually allowing us to better prepare learners for real-life interactions with speakers of a wide variety of accents in English.




Externe medewerkers

Bastien De Clercq

Vrije Universiteit Brussel