Unfolding amnesia. An interdisciplinary inquiry into artistic practices and the politics of oblivion

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2017 - 2019 (afgewerkt)
Andere instituten 
KASK School of Arts/HOGENT



In Unfolding Amnesia: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry into Artistic Practices and the Politics of Oblivion visual artist Jelena Juresa investigates the politics of oblivion in relation to the construction of a homogeneous national identity. Three traumatic pasts of the twentieth century in the European context are at stake- the negation of war crimes after the dissolution of Yugoslavia and the construction of a new national identity in Serbia and Republika Srpska, the construction of a national identity in Austria after the Anschluss, and the construction of a Belgian identity in the aftermath of its colonial past. The research project is supervised by Lars Kwakkenbos, and supported by Kask – School of Arts/HOGENT, 2017-2019.

The project is based on extensive research taken during Jureša’s doctoral studies (2014-2018) at UGent and KASK (mentored by Christel Stalpaert, Berber Bevernage, Jasper Rigole and in consultation with Aneta Stojnić and Johan Grimonprez).




Externe medewerkers

Lars Kwakkenbos

KASK School of Arts/HOGENT