The project investigates the evolution of the vowel system within the so-called 'Latin-Romace transition'. This research will be devoted to determining whether a sociolinguistic variation (both stylistic, diastratic and diatopic) more
This doctoral thesis aims to explore the literary expression of the emotions of compunction (κατάνυξις) and repentance in the so-called katanyktic poems from the middle and late Byzantine period. These are personal poems of a penitentialnature that were performed and chanted in more
"Typologies of Text and Image Relations (Cliffs/Caves)" is Research Cluster 3.4 of the project "From the Ground Up: Buddhism & East Asian Religions" (Cluster leader: Christoph Anderl)
The cluster “Multicultural Dunhuang: Manuscripts and Paintings” examines the connections between Dunhuang manuscripts and paintings, particularly during the tenth century. A central aim of the project is to bring together more
Over the past fifty years, funding agencies have come to occupy a central place in academic knowledge-production. As distributors of money, power, and prestige, funding agencies can nowadays change fields, more
In Belgium, Egyptology emerged later than elsewhere in Europe, but once under steam, it went through a rapid growth in the course of the first half of the 20th century. more
This empirical research aims to explore the process of negotiating queer aesthetics while challenging hegemonic structures in contemporary Indian fashion. Contemporary representations of the predominant notions of manliness have defined more
This research project will study how political order and historical truth were jointly constructed in the late medieval Middle East. It will look in particular at how contemporary Islamic scholars/historians more
This project investigates the nature of the Latin verb stems, based on the analysis of a corpus consisting of Classical and Late Latin historiographical texts. It examines their basic value: more
In 1992 I carried out fieldwork in Central Kenya, collecting Gikuyu oral narratives and discussing their historical relations to gender-identity and morality with the performers. Eventually this resulted in my more