The documentary (non-literary) Greek material of Egypt (papyri, ostraca, inscriptions), as well as additional literary and semi-literary comparanda, will be collated and analysed to contextualise the processes of change taking more
In recent years several forms of collaboration between journalists, scientific experts, scientific institutions (and their PR staff) and citizen groups have become more frequent (Houston, 2010; Spangenberg & Heise, 2016). more
My study revolves around the unduly neglected figure of the late-Qing and early Republican Confucian scholar Liao Ping 廖平 (1852-1932). Instead of attempting to write an intellectual biography in a traditional sense, more
The research project The System of Mohist Logic and Its Methodology engages with the work «Mozi» (《墨子》, mò zǐ), ascribed to the philosopher Mozi (墨子, trad. ca.470–391 BCE). The scholarship does not agree more
Lusoga has a form of nouns and verbs involving duplication of the root. For example, there are two copies of the verb root -w- ‘give’ in the sentence a-lii-ku-w-a bu-w-e more
The Psalms, being an important corpus of biblical poetic texts, have influenced the entire history of European literature and religious culture. Early Christian and Byzantine readers recognized the poetical features of the more
The project investigates the evolution of the vowel system within the so-called 'Latin-Romace transition'. This research will be devoted to determining whether a sociolinguistic variation (both stylistic, diastratic and diatopic) more
This doctoral thesis aims to explore the literary expression of the emotions of compunction (κατάνυξις) and repentance in the so-called katanyktic poems from the middle and late Byzantine period. These are personal poems of a penitentialnature that were performed and chanted in more
"Typologies of Text and Image Relations (Cliffs/Caves)" is Research Cluster 3.4 of the project "From the Ground Up: Buddhism & East Asian Religions" (Cluster leader: Christoph Anderl)
The cluster “Multicultural Dunhuang: Manuscripts and Paintings” examines the connections between Dunhuang manuscripts and paintings, particularly during the tenth century. A central aim of the project is to bring together more