Turning diversity into capacity

Begin - Einde 
2018 - 2021 (lopend)
Vakgroep Taalkunde
Andere instituten 
University of the Western Cape
North-South exchange
Cross-sectoral valorisation
Social inequalities in education
Capacity building



Starting from fundamental observations about the need and usefulness of cross-national, North/South-comparison around pressing social themes, including questions of how to theorize, investigate and respond adequately to diversity, the proposed Strategic Institutional Partnership seeks to invest in a four-year programme of N/S-exchange of scientific results, institutional experiences and “best practices”, while engaging in a theoretical-conceptual debate which can help provide a framework for developing future forms of knowledge production, their policy implications and corresponding strategies of implementation. In a practice-oriented approach, theory and application are typically not viewed as separate exercises, but are instead viewed as interdependent and constantly in dialogue: e.g. experiences of policy formulation and implementation feed into theoretical understandings, while conceptual debate informs practical strategies of intervention. At the heart is an epistemology which maximizes necessary exchange between theory and application.



Externe medewerkers

Sarojini Nadar

Desmond Tutu Research Centre for Spirituality and Society - University of the Western Cape

Patricia Hayes

Centre for Humanities Research - University of the Western Cape

Geert Van Hove

Universiteit Gent

Christopher Stroud

University of the Western Cape