This project (PI: Dr. Yasmine Amory) aims to investigate interpersonal relationships and social interactions in Greco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt (III BCE-VII CE) through Greek documentary papyri. The research will more
The 5th century marks the transition from the Roman to the Medieval world, an essential turning point in European history. However, when we try to identify it in the archaeological more
My research examines linguistic awareness in the Greek world by focusing on ancient linguistic approaches that still inform the Modern Greek debate on the definition of a national language. The more
Many linguists believe that the language of our Indo-European ancestors had a considerable number of verbs which may appear both in intransitive and transitive constructions with no formal change in more
To fully understand the long development of the form-function pairings involved in the Latin tenses, we must view them as part of a system - a system that relates to more
The project, 'Tours on Paper. Literary Explorations of the Travel Guide Book (Itinerarium) in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Age' (2019-2021), involved a literary-historical analyss of Latin narratives of pilgrims to more
Make an open access inventory of the human remains from archaeological research in Flanders using various paramaters to give archaeologists, physical anthropologists and
The Pollino Archaeological Landscape Project is a research collaboration between the departments of Archaeology of the universities of Ghent (Belgium) and Groningen (The Netherlands), and the Gruppo Speleologico 'Sparviere' (Italy), more
Combining intellectual history with material philology, this project studies the authority attributed to histories in Syriac excerpt collections (6-10th c). It uses unstudied material to analyse the intertwining of identity more
What is the difference between magic and miracle? Scholars today believe that it is not possible to reach clear definitions of ‘magic’ and ‘miracle’ capable of answering that question: theoretically, more