Wood is the most important renewable raw material throughout human history. However, wooden archaeological objects are rarely studied and little is known on (pre)historic use of wood, compared to other ...read more
This project investigates views on the internal body in premodern Japan. In particular, the theory of the five viscera, or gozôron will be of interest. Several handwritten sources from the ...read more
This project investigates the impact of medical and religious concepts and theories on the formation of knowledge about human organs and gendered health in premodern Japan. Its aim is to ...read more
Left dislocation (LD) patterns consist of a topic and a comment which says something about the topic. The comment usually contains a resumptive element ('they' in (1), referring to 'the ...read more
This project examines attempts to exterminate 'nuisance animals', species that are considered harmful to human interests, in the County of Flanders and the Duchy of Brabant during the fifteenth and ...read more
Make an open access inventory of the human remains from archaeological research in Flanders using various paramaters to give archaeologists, physical anthropologists and
This project is aimed at the investigation of horizontal links in two clusters of constructions featuring the auxiliarized Dutch verbs komen ‘to come’ and krijgen ‘to get, receive’. Horizontal links, ...read more
The Pollino Archaeological Landscape Project is a research collaboration between the departments of Archaeology of the universities of Ghent (Belgium) and Groningen (The Netherlands), and the Gruppo Speleologico 'Sparviere' (Italy), ...read more
The ArcheOs research laboratory for biological anthropology at Ghent University was established in 2020 within the Department of Archaeology. It aims to study the health, kinship, lifestyle and mobility of ...read more