Mahlu Mertens's PhD project explores how climate change literature that resists the typical form of the climate dystopia may provide alternative ways of narrating anthropogenic climate change that are more more
In the beginning history was “political history”. The insight that the subjects of governmental rule, ordinary people, could act politically themselves is relatively new however. Acting on this insight, historians more
In economic news, journalists and analysts give objective information on recent events while also discussing the implications of events in an implicitly subjective manner. We investigate automated text mining approaches more
The project seeks to elucidate tragedy's complex, intertwined notions of agency and consciousness by proposing the first comprehensive study of narrative mindreading in Greek tragedy. It aims to contribute both more
The main goal of the project is to describe and explain the developmental pattern of subject case inIcelandic as a second language within the context of Processability Theory (PT) (Pienemann,1998; more
In recent years, the study of the use of possessive complements instead of prepositional ones in the adverbial domain, as in encima mío/a vs. encima de mí ‘above me’, has more
The Chinese Lotus Sutra (Saddharmapuṇḍarīkasūtra) has in the past more than a thousand years exerted great influence on the East Asian Countries since its introduction into China during the 3rd more
Because of the major contributions of towering figures such as Andreas Vesalius and Jan Palfijn to early modern medical doctrine and practice, historians of the Habsburg Netherlands could rightly claim an important role for more