During this doctoral research, two novels were studied, written during the sixties and seventies: Corporale by Paolo Volponi (Einaudi, Torino 1974) and Petrolio by Pier Paolo Pasolini (published posthumously: Einaudi, Torino 1992). I ...read more
The tribuni plebis were the traditional proponents of the plebeian cause in the Roman Republic. For the late Republic (100 – 23 BCE), historians disagree about whose interests they truly ...read more
In line with recent claims that media research should not only chart the professional cultures of “privileged” full-time reporters and hence marginalize other news workers (Wahl-Jorgenson 2009), the project investigates ...read more
This project proposes a diachronic comparative research, based on a varied corpus of narratives and treatises, into the establishment, evolution and effectiveness of medieval ideals of masculinity in monastic and ...read more
The significance of coastal and estuarine areas for understanding former human life and palaeolandscapes is nowadays recognized internationally. The large preservation potential of these sites, on the transition of the ...read more
This project’s aim is to gain insights into the various linguistic devices of Chilean speakers when addressing each other in conversation. For instance, usted is generally known as an expression ...read more
During the transition of the Late Middle Ages into the Early Modern Times, the ownership structures of the European countryside underwent significant changes. On the one hand, there was ...read more