For several years the team directed by Prof Dr Frank Vermeulen operating in the western Mediterranean area focused on the intensive non-destructive study of a number of abandoned Roman towns more
Thorikos occupies the east coast of the Lavrion area in Attica, Greece. The ancient town comprised a double-bay harbour at Agios Nikolaos, the Adami plain with the lower Potami valley, more
During the recent two decades archaeological research on ancient urbanism has left the traditional path of excavations, documentation of earlier field activities, and topographical analysis of surface relics and indications more
The Roman colony of Mariana was founded at the beginning of the first century BC, by Marius. The importance of the site was recognized by 19th century local historians and more
The main area of research of the Roman Mediterranean Archaeology unit (dir. Prof. Frank Vermeulen), namely central Adriatic Italy, is central to this overarching research on the impact on the more
In 2000, a multi-disciplinary team under the direction of Prof. Frank Vermeulen, started a very intensive survey of an Adriatic valley. Denominated 'Potenza Valley Survey' (PVS), this research project aims more
The archaeological and historical identification of the site as the emplacement of the Roman town of Ammaia dates from the mid 1930s. Systematic archaeological digs started only in 1994 and more
CLIPS, ovvero Corpora e Lessici dell'Italiano Parlato e Scritto, è uno degli otto progetti (Progetto n. 2) del Cluster C18 "LINGUISTICA COMPUTAZIONALE: RICERCHE MONOLINGUI E MULTILINGUI" (Legge 488), finanziato dal more
The 'Centre for diversity and learning' (CDL) (formerly Centre for Intercultural Education) is part of the MULTIPLES research group at Ghent University in Flanders, Belgium. The principal goal of the more