Serena Causo was born in Gallipoli (Italy) in 1990. Her main research interests are Papyrology and Roman and Late Antique History. Serena received her Masters in Classics from the University of Salento (Lecce) in 2016 with the thesis supervised by Prof. Mario Capasso: “Ricerche sulle proprietà imperiali nell’Egitto Romano: le οὐσίαι” which focused on the socio-economic role of the Julio-Claudian ousiai. In 2017, she worked as a research assistant at the Papyrological Institute of Leiden, compiling the XIV volume of the Berichtigungsliste (BL). She was awarded a Startstipendium at the Institute of Ancient History at the Department of Classical Civilizations of Basel for the 2017-2018 academic year. During this year she carried out a research on the changes of the irrigation system in Egypt during the Third Century under the supervision of Prof. Sabine Huebner. In addition, she worked as research member in the SNSF project on the re-edition of several papyri from the Basel papyrus collection. She has been selected to participate at the Summer Institute of Papyrology, funded by the American Society of Papyrologists and mainly held by Prof. R. Bagnall and Prof. T. Hickey, at Washington University of St. Louis.
From January 2019, Serena is working as PhD student in Gent, in the framework of the EVWRIT Project led by Prof. Klaas Bentein, with a research project on the material aspects of legal and documentary papyri from Roman and Late Antique Oxyrhynchus.