Conceptualiseren, ontwikkelen en valideren van een professionaliseringstool evaluatie

Conceptualiseren, ontwikkelen en valideren van een professionaliseringstool evaluatie
Start - End 
2021 - 2023 (completed)
Department of Linguistics
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This project aims to develop a validated professionalisation tool to further familiarize teachers and school leaders with the principles of strong evaluation practices and policies. We distinguish three goals in the roll-out of this project proposal: a conceptual goal, a development goal and a practitioners consultation goal. The conceptual goal brings together literature, theory and known good practices of pupil evaluation to create an evidence-informed framework that highlights key elements of effective pupil evaluation at both class and school level. This then serves as a starting point for the development of a professionalisation tool. Through repeated and targeted practical tests (focus group discussions with teachers and school leaders) at different stages of the development of the professionalisation tool, we arrive at a validated tool that responds to concrete needs in the Flemish education system. The practical testing will also provide insight into the hindering and promoting factors associated with evaluation, the action competence of teachers and schools, the use of data for monitoring learning gains and progress, evaluation in the context of distance learning and the role of standardized tests.






Koen Van Gorp

Katrien Struyven

Roos Van Gasse

Jan Vanhoof

Technical staff

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