This project systematically relates scripting of rituals of inclusion and exclusion to societal developments in the Central Middle Ages (10th-12th centuries). So far, scholarship in this field has relied on more
All West Germanic languages have undergone Jespersen’s cycle, the directional development of the expression of negation by which an original preverbal negation particle (e.g. Old English ne) – stage I more
This project finally enables the full examination of five of the earliest agricultural sites ever excavated in the sandy lowlands of Flanders. Focus on material culture finds such as pottery more
Stylometry, a subfield of Digital Humanities, offers new methods for segregating different writing styles. So far, stylometry has been especially popular in authorship attribution studies. This project will approach issues more
Archaeological coring surveys conducted in 2007-2008 in the floodplain of the Upper Scheldt River led to the discovery of a stratified multiperiod wetland site at the locality of Kerkhove. The more
Archaeological coring surveys conducted in 2007-2008 in the floodplain of the Upper Scheldt River led to the discovery of a stratified multiperiod wetland site at the locality of Kerkhove. The more