The project Poetry from the margins. Literary, linguistic, philological and cultural-historical analysis of a new corpus of Byzantine book epigrams (800-1453)bid builds on a previous project of the same team, funded more
The goal of this project is to investigate the underexplored Byzantine meter, within the framework of the modern linguistic theory of information structure, using the Ghent corpus of Byzantine book more
The 'Sicherheitspolizei und Sicherheitsdienst' was the SS security police in charge of the persecution of the political and racial enemies of the Third Reich. From 1940 onwards it was also more
The period known as the long 19th century (1789-1914) is characterised as a formative phase, bylegal historians for the current Belgian legal system; by art historians, for the current visual more
While the importance of ‘economic’ (i.e. en masse) copying by early 16th-century Netherlandish masters is widely accepted by art historians, the contribution of ‘creative’ copying to the art practice and theory before more
Hugo Claus (1929-2008) is the most translated twentieth-century Dutch language author into French. For this reason, his work occupies a central position in the literary and cultural exchanges between the more
This project examines how the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund have defined the relationship between human rights and peace. At first sight, the concepts of more
Conceptions on how history should be taught in secondary education have changed profoundly in recent years. Teachers should now focus on the development of pupils' historical thinking, in contrast to more