A breakdown of the main British corpora, investigated with a multidisciplinary approach by basing upon palaeography, linguistics and history, with the aim of pinpointing social variations, like phonetic variations ...read more
The status of Life – the place of living beings in the universe, the question of how philosophy and natural science should approach these beings – has preoccupied philosophers from ...read more
Integrating multidisciplinary translational bottom-up approaches towards a new paradigm for pediatric investigations: the next step in ethical pediatric drug researchread more
The project investigates aspects of multilingualism on Facebook, in particular code selection/code switching by language users of Iranian descent in a Belgium. The focus is three-fold: (i) the distributional ...read more
In 1877 the Austro-Hungarian Hugó Meltzl warned his colleagues: “As every unbiased man of letters knows, modern literary history, as generally practiced today, is nothing but an ancillahistoriae politicae ...read more
The main aim of the project is to trace the paths of the development and properties of non-finite verbs in Rajasthani, an Indo-Aryan language. The project will focus on main ...read more
The predominant word order in the Indo-Aryan language Kashmiri, spoken in a mountainous areain the Indian Himalayas, is verb second (V2). This means that the verb always takes the secondposition ...read more