Place, roominess and ephemerality in social dance 1756 - 1830

Start - End 
2023 - 2024 (ongoing)
Department of Art, music and theatre sciences
Research Period 
Research Region 
Research Language 
Additional tags 
Social Dance
Long 18th Century



Places and spaces designed for social dance often had an ephemeral quality between 1756 - 1830 in the Southern Netherlands and the Pays de Liège. Before 1800 real dedicated ballrooms didn't occur all that often there and then. Entertainment spaces were often multifunctional or downright ephemeral designs, sometimes purposely created for one occasion. Typical for pluriform and ephemerality is the re-use of spaces and materials for new purposes or to recreate new versions for similar use on a different moment. Naturally, existing buildings were temporary adapted for occasional use in order to sustain a new artistic program. Interior design and use are thus primordial to understand why certain choices of materials and overall design were made. To understand the intertwined discourse between use, artistic design and material witnesses are explored from social, political, musical and choreographic points of view.

