CLIPS, ovvero Corpora e Lessici dell'Italiano Parlato e Scritto, è uno degli otto progetti (Progetto n. 2) del Cluster C18 "LINGUISTICA COMPUTAZIONALE: RICERCHE MONOLINGUI E MULTILINGUI" (Legge 488), finanziato dal more
Exchange project for the promotion of education: valorisation of natural and cultural heritage in Altay. A small survey was performed in the Uymont Steppe (close to Ust-Koksa) in more
This project takes issue with the traditional, static conception of the hexameter as being composed, rather mechanically, of two cola ending obligatorily after the first or second syllable of the more
CORN (Comparative Rural History of the North Sea Area) is a research network founded in 1995, made out of about 20 research units spread in NW Europe and coordinated by more
Scattered across the Altay Mountains are thousands of surface structures – funerary monuments, ritual structures and petroglyphs – of different, mainly nomadic civilisations, from the Eneolithic to the Ethnographic period more