Transbaso. Van basis naar secundair onderwijs

Start - End 
2014 - 2017 (completed)
Department of Linguistics
Research Focus 
Research Methodology 
Additional tags 
partnerships in education



Transbaso, an inter-university SBO research project, is an innovative valorization and research project for the Flemish education context. That school and study orientation processes are socially biased is well documented. Each selective moment in the educational career of children acts as a social threshold. One of the first crucial thresholds in the Flemish system is the transition from primary to secondary education. However, little is known about these processes themselves and about the effectiveness of interventions as well as the dynamic interactions between the different stakeholders.

Therefore the overall valorization objectives of Transbaso are:

1. To create, implement and evaluate interventions to enhance the effectiveness of the transition (processes of school and study choice) from primary to secondary education;

2. To offer sustainable and effective tools for pupils, their parents, teachers, schools and the neighborhood surroundings to support them in processes of study and school orientation.

The Transbaso research objectives are twofold:

1. To study in depth the process of school choice and track choice for the transition between primary and secondary education in the Flemish context (in the cities of Antwerp and Ghent).

2. To assess the effectiveness of three Transbaso-tools, and the set of "good practices" on different users

The research design is based on a multi-method approach combining three subsequent waves of data collection amongst pupils, teachers, principals and parents. The first wave sets off with a baseline survey at the end of 5th grade, followed by three pre- and posttests evaluating the  effectiveness of the tools and thereby capturing the process of school and track choice of three cohorts of pupils . The quantitative research is combined with  a qualitative process evaluation of the implementation process of the tools and a qualitative in-depth study of the transition process.

The projectteam is a multidisciplinary and inter-university team comprised of staff member from the following institutions:

  • Centre for Diversity and Learning, (Linguistic Department), Ghent UniversityCultural Diversity: Opportunities & Socialisation (CuDOS), Ghent University
  • Institute for Educational and Information Sciences (IOIW), UA
  • Department of Political Sciences (POLI), VUB
  • Faculty of Health, Education and Social Work (HESW), HoGent
  • Department of Social Work (KRONOS), Artesis


Phd Student(s)


Technical staff