This project examines accent bias in Flemish secondary and higher education, focusing on biases towards students with foreign and regional accents. Using a combination of methodologies, we study how teachers perceive students’ more
This project aims to determine the text characteristics of reading materials used in the Flemish EFL and FFL classroom, as well as the influence of these text characteristics on learners' more
Multiple registers coexisting within the same linguistic system and the creation of grammars codifying one of these registers as ‘the standard’ are phenomena common to many languages. The same issues are observed more
In this project CDL and Tecolab, both affiliated with Ghent University, combine their complementary expertise to develop an e-course 'multilingualism and learning' for working teachers in nursary, primary and secondary more
In this research project, we will explore the phenomenon of English-medium instruction (EMI) at universities in Belgium, the Netherlands and France, and how the place of the local language in more
The Spanish Corpus Annotation Project provides a platform that applies Natural Language Processing, Corpus analysis and Computer-Assisted Language Learning techniques an methodologies to more
Shell nouns are a nominal category that has first been conceptualized by cognitive linguists such as Schmid (2000). This concept was later translated and further explored by French researchers (Legallois, 2006; more
This project aims at investigating the multilingual practices in Italian L2 classrooms in two urban areas of Belgium: the French-speaking city of Liège and the Dutch-speaking city of Ghent. The more
Dit rapport is het resultaat van het onderzoeksproject ‘Werken aan een publieksvriendelijke ontsluiting van archeologische kennis en collecties’, dat startte als een gezamenlijk initiatief van de minister bevoegd voor Onroerend more