In the wake of the Roman legions, ceramic building materials conquered the Roman North. The tradition of producing building elements out of clay and petrifying them by firing was largely more
Since the commercialisation of archaeology in Flanders, the sector has experienced a surge in the acquisition of archaeological data. Despite this exponentially growing data set, our knowledge about the early more
As a spin-off of the Middelburg-project, this research examines the role the exchange of specific forms of material culture (Valencian floor-tiles and pottery, paintings…) played in the construction and continuation more
The POPPKAD project focuses on the study of owners and landownership relations. Its aim is to develop a digital land register for different regions of Belgium in the middle of more
HISSTER aims to generate and develop a central database of historical statistics concerning Belgian mortality available at the local level since 1830. While the 20th century was the main focus more
Alignment and argument structure lies at the heart of all current theoretical models in linguistics, both syntactic models and research within typology. In spite of that, no large-scale comprehensive study more
The research project puts a focus on stone artefacts (millstones, hone stones, etc.) traded, used and discarded in (the northern parts of) the Roman ‘Civitas Menapiorum’ and its neighbouring regions. more
This project aims to undertake a cultural historical approach to the perception and performance of social identity in the nascent urban societies of Northern France and the Southern Low Countries more
This dissertation tells the story of the collections of artists and artisans in early seventeenth-century Antwerp. Based on archival research of probate inventories, it turns out that many artists and more
Seemingly paradoxical, nineteenth-century society and culture are characterized by both an increased internationalization of cultural and artistic practices, and a growing importance of nationality. The role of national administrations and more