For decades, Palestinian women's movements have moved and continue to move in the field of tension of a double resistance - characterised by the struggle against occupation and the challenges more
This seed funded collaborative workshop proposes to facilitate the revision and resubmission of the ENLIGHT Thematic Network (ETN) proposal Boundaries of the Religious (BAR). The workshop will bring together the previous core more
Eight Years: Joseph Kosuth in Ghent from 1990 to 1998: a cross-reference exhibition of information on the presence of an American artist in a Belgian city: consisting of a spatial more
The Digo subgroup are tone of the groups in the Mijikenda community in Kenya. They primarily inhabit the southern coast and interior regions of Kwale, Kenya. The Digo people possess a more
This project studies the overlooked history of peer review in the humanities between 1950 and today. In this period, peer review, i.e., the institutionalized evaluations of research and researchers by more
This project analyzes the interactions between religion and cultural heritage in twentieth century Japan as a venue to investigate the legacy of imperialism in the construction of modern ideas and more
Over the past years, in Europe and the US, various initiatives were launched to #namethe translator on the cover of books. Does increased visibility for translators and translations necessarily lead more
This project focuses on the Ghent art world of the 1980s, an understudied part of art history. During this period, there was a clear motive towards placing Belgian art on more
This project focuses on the Ghent art world of the 1980s, an understudied part of art history. During this period, there was a clear motive towards placing Belgian art on more
This project focuses on the Ghent art world of the 1980s, an understudied part of art history. During this period, there was a clear motive towards placing Belgian art on more