TEACHING: Over the last 15 years I have basically been teaching philosophy to laymen. Sometimes my courses were based on my own research (P.A.R.T.S., ArteZ), sometimes they consisted of an introduction into philosophy (KU Brussel, UGent).
RESEARCH: I have been doing research in the following domains:
- philosophy and dance (articles on Noé Soulier, on Marina Abramovic in 'Etcetera', member of research group Postdramatische esthetiek UGent),
- philosophy of technology (issue on Stiegler in 'Uil van Minerva', article on Stiegler in 'New Formations', etc.)
- poststructuralism (articles on Deleuze and Merleau-Ponty in 'Chiasmi', 'Analecta Husserliana, , 'Studia Phenomenologica', etc.)
- phenomenology (articles on Merleau-Ponty, member of association for phen.philo)
- philosophy of art (article on Proust in 'Relief Review'; article on the accident of art in book 'Kunst van het falen', article on Japanese culture in 'Streven', etc., member dutch assoc. for aesth). I have just finished writing a book (Thinking Between Deleuze and Merleau-Ponty) that is currently under review.
- Together with Bart Buseyne and Liesbeth Samyn: Als een vliegende vis, Garant, 2007 (translation of Bernard Stiegler's 'Passer à l'acte')
- Translation of Stiegler texts in Uil van Minerva issue on Stiegler
- My next book project consists of a translation into French of a Dutch fiction-poetry book on Marcel Duchamp: De Bruid van Duchamp - K. SchippersEDITING:
- I did the editing work for a book on the notion of unity in the arts of the last twenty years. Unfortunately, the book could not be finished due to a lot of practical problems.
INTERVIEWING, ORGANIZATION of symposia, MODERATOR of debates, REVIEWING for journals