Current position:
Full Professor of General linguistics; Lic. phil. (1987), Dr. phil. (1992)
Research interests:
theory of language and linguistics; semantics, syntax/semantics interface, lexical and grammatical meaning; case, valency, dependency; German argument structure constructions; German word formation; epistemology and historiography of the language sciences; philosophy and phenomenology of language; theory of proper names; translation studies; linguistics/semiotics interface and theory of iconicity in language
Current memberships:
- Co-editor "Energeia. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft, Sprachphilosophie und Sprachwissenschaftsgeschichte" (Tübingen: Romanisches Seminar). ONLINE
- Editorial Board "Current Issues in Linguistic Theory" (CILT) (Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins).
- Editorial Board "Studies in the History of the Language Sciences" (SiHoLS) (Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins).