Het proefschrift onderzoekt de geschiedenis van het Vlaams-nationalisme in Limburg (1945-1970), met onder meer de oprichting en ontwikkeling van de Volksunie (VU). De VU kwam er in vergelijking met de ...read more
This project studies the topics of vulnerability, violence and kinship, from a sensorial perspective, in five contemporary Mexican novels on migration: Señales que precederán al fin del mundo (Yuri Herrera), ...read more
Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSSs) and Patient Decision Aids (PDAs) are increasingly used in clinical practice. Their effectiveness is judged using different outcome measures. For example, PDAs are evaluated using ...read more
For many years there have been discussions about how exactly Immanuel Kant’s categories of quantity should be derived from the quantitative forms of judgment. This research proposal aims to connect ...read more
For many years there have been discussions about how exactly Immanuel Kant's categories of quantity should be derived from the quantitative forms of judgment. This research proposal aims to connect ...read more
This project is about cross-disciplinary (CD) knowledge-generation processes. Research is CD when it combines different disciplines. In the past decades, CD research has gained the interest of research policy makers ...read more
During the French Enlightenment, meteorology developed dynamically because the boundaries of what weather knowledge was and how it should be developed were not clearly defined. To better understand how weather ...read more
Het onderzoek bestaat uit een schriftelijk en mondeling rapport met advies en tips over 5 digitale tools die geïntegreerd kunnen worden in het nieuwe online platform van Stad Gent en ...read more
This dissertation investigates the interplay between theatricality and religious representation in Jean Frédéric Bernard and Bernard Picart'sCérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde (1723–1737). As a richly illustrated collection of ...read more
Discourses on ageing women are changing from predominantly negative to more positive representations, but this is mainly true for people who fit the narrowly defined narratives of what is considered ...read more