The educational innovation project ‘Leerlijn digitale geletterdheid. Naar een verankering van digitale competenties in de geesteswetenschappen’ fits GhentCDH’s long-term ambition to structurally embed the Digital Humanities’ manifold methods and tools across Ghent more
Combining intellectual history with material philology, this project studies the authority attributed to histories in Syriac excerpt collections (6-10th c). It uses unstudied material to analyse the intertwining of identity more
The fascinating world of Babylonian and Assyrian gods and demons in the art of Ancient Mesopotamia serves as the foundation for this didactical publication-project. A richly illustrated handbook will make more
This project continues the strategic collaboration between researchers from Ghent and Kent on projects researching prosodic cues to syntactic reanalysis by experimentally tracking language change in progress. more
This project aims at investigating the multilingual practices in Italian L2 classrooms in two urban areas of Belgium: the French-speaking city of Liège and the Dutch-speaking city of Ghent. The more
This PhD project comprises a linguistic ethnographic study of an abortion clinic in Flanders, the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium. The aim is to obtain insights into the various ways multilingualism more
In IV century BC, many important terms that had to do with wisdom (sophia), such as “philosophy” (philosophia), “philosopher” (philosophos), “sophistry” (sophistikê) and “sophist” (sophistês), had not yet received the definition they more
The EU study “Study on Transgender people in the EU”, commissioned by DG Justice, is a research into the correlation between inclusive gender recognition legal and policy measures and the more
With vocabulary learning having become a key topic in the research domain of foreign language learning (see a.o. Schmitt, 2010), it has also received increasing attention in Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language more