The project looks at how and why the ratio of labile verbs changes in the history of Chinese, testing the hypothesis that earlier monosyllabic labile verbs were gradually replaced by more
This project contributes to a better understanding of the grammar underlying Spanish-English(-Kriol) codeswitching (CS). Its objective is threefold. First, at an empirical level, it provides insight into the way the conflict more
The Shona languages of Southern Africa form a large, closely-related and relatively well-studied group of Bantu languages. Despite a wealth of synchronic data on these language varieties, the history of more
Our objective is to investigate how learners of Italian as a second and/or as a foreign language use dictionaries to look for new meanings. To do so, we aim to more
The aim of the project is to contribute to a novel model of turn-taking in dialogue interpreting (DI) by offering an analysis in terms of ‘cognition for interaction’ (Levinson 2015). more
This project maps the mental representation of pluricentricity in the Dutch language area by empirically studying perceptions of and attitudes towards national grammatical and lexical variation. It will address the more
The OriKunda project (PI Rozenn Guérois) aims at revising the history of the Chikunda people and language from the origins to the present day, through historical linguistics, anthropological linguistics, more
Mourning texts (āi jìwén 哀祭文) are an important genre of Dūnhuáng 敦煌 literature and are usually regarded as a subgenre of Dūnhuáng "prayer texts” (yuànwén 願文). More than 230 mourning texts are more
This PhD explores the historical-sociolinguistic components of the OriKunda ANR project (PI Rozenn Guérois), which aims at revising the history of the Chikunda people and language from the more