Friend or infernal monster? Comic and tragic representations of the Turk and the Self in sixteenth-century Venetian theatre

Start - End 
2020 - 2023 (ongoing)
Department of Literary Studies
Other institution(s) 
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Università degli Studi di Pavia
Research Period 
Research Region 
Research Language 
Research Methodology 
Additional tags 
Venetian Renaissance Theatre
Image of the Turk



“Friend” or “Infernal Monster”? Comic and Tragic Representations of the Turk and the ‘Self’ in Sixteenth-Century Venetian Theatre aims to understand dramatizations of Turks and ‘Selfs’ in the Venetian Republic, a perfect case study because of a policy of both war and trade toward the Turk. To study comic and tragic representations of the Turk and the Venetian ‘self’, the project draws on close readings of the plays, their paratexts and literary models, and additional theoretical and popular works.

“Friend” or “Infernal Monster”? Comic and Tragic Representations of the Turk and the ‘Self’ in Sixteenth-Century Venetian Theatre mira a comprendere le drammatizzazioni del Turco e dell’‘Io’ nella Repubblica di Venezia, un caso di studio perfetto per via della politica di guerra e di commercio nei confronti del Turco. Per studiare le rappresentazioni comiche e tragiche del Turco e dell’‘Io’ veneziano, il progetto ricorre a letture approfondite delle opere, i loro paratesti e modelli letterari, e ulteriori opere teoriche e popolari.



Phd Student(s)


Fabrizio Fiaschini

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Università degli Studi di Pavia