HPIMS - Henri Pirenne Institute for Medieval Studies

Department of Archaeology
Department of History
Department of Linguistics
Department of Literary Studies
Department of Art, music and theatre sciences
Department of Comparative sciences of culture
Department of Languages and Cultures



The Henri Pirenne Institute for Medieval Studies (HPIMS) brings together all scholars of Ghent University working on the Middle Ages or using data of Medieval Studies, regardless of their specific disciplines, sub-periods or research topics. The HPIMS members mainly come from the fields of Archeology, Art History and Historical Musicology, History, Law, Linguistics, Literary Studies, and Studies of the Near-East, which are all based either in the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy or the Faculty of Law. However, the Institute also has members from so-called 'STEMM' fields of research, most notably Geography and Analytical Chemistry (Faculty of Sciences) and Information Management (Faculty of Engineering and Architecture). HPIMS facilitates collaboration with societal partner institutions. The centre annually organises the Medieval Seminar Series, at which a wide range of topics are presented to an interdisciplinary audience and provides international training in the disciplines and auxiliary sciences of Medieval Studies.

You can easily browse a list of all researchers and projects using this research portal. Simply click a name or project to learn about expertise, publication output, collaborations and contact details.

We offer non-UGent partners associate membership of the HPIMS. This includes a regular newsletter that allows all associates to stay informed about what's going on in Medieval Studies at Ghent University and the possibility to attend our activities. For subscription or inquiries, please contact the Research coordinator: dr Stefan Meysman

News and Events

Medieval Seminar Series

BA and MA Courses

Postgraduate training: Autumn School

Join us for a PhD or research visit





Dirk Heirbaut

Universiteit Gent - Faculteit Rechten

Guy De Tré

Universiteit Gent - Database, Document and Content Management (DDCM) Research Group

Affiliated Members

Former Members


Postdoc research

PhD research

Research project