Face-work and multimodality. A comparative study of on-site interpreting and video-remote interpreting

Start - End 
2021 - 2025 (ongoing)
Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication
Research Focus 



Ample evidence has been provided in the literature that interpreters are more than mere “translating machines” and that they do take up an active role in the triadic interaction of dialogue interpreting. This has some consequences for the interaction itself and also for the way in which face-work and politeness manifest themselves during such interactions. Face is the “public self-image” that all adult members of society want to claim for themselves. Indeed, interpreters do not only need to ensure that the primary participant’s face-work is conveyed to the other interlocutor, but at the same time they have to manage their own face-work. Research has shown that interpreters are aware of this double responsibility. The aim of this project is firstly to map out the different face-work strategies adopted by interpreters in dialogue interpreting. The focus is on both verbal and non-verbal face-work. Secondly, this project will look at face-work in different form of interpreting, OSI and VRI, and how interpreters deal with the specificities of those two modes. Thirdly, the project will explore the interpreter's own judgments, experience and strategies when it comes to face work. Several studies have individuated different verbal strategies adopted by interpreters to cope with face-work, both of the primary participants’ and of their own. As regards the non-verbal strategies, however, little to no attention has been given to finding out how these come into play. Further research is required to obtain a clearer view on how non-verbal behaviour can influence face-work.




Phd Student(s)