Miglena Dikova's postdoctoral research project, entitled "The Concept of the Sublime and the Russian Novel", aims to analyse the aesthetics of the Russian 19th century (e.g. Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" and Dostoyevsky's ...read more
During the first decades of the 20th century, a renewed sensibility for different religious traditions distinguished German(-language) Expressionism, and especially Expressionist drama. It has long been accepted that Expressionism is ...read more
It is the project's aim to underscore the fundamental and sometimes problematic role of news discourse in political conflicts, where it shapes perceptions, creates identities and influences attitudes. In particular, ...read more
On the crossroads between philosophy of history and theatre studies, I look at ways in which performances reflect on and experiment with historicist notions of time and history. The starting ...read more
This project aims to analyze representations of individual and collective trauma in comics through a comparative, cross-cultural study. Although Art Spiegelman's Maus has greatly contributed towards the development of trauma ...read more
In this research project I investigate the ways in which innovative movements in early 20thcentury German(-language) theatre anchored practices of, and thinking on, mass performances in ancient Greek drama.
This project investigates the contemporary revival of traditional dances in Rwanda within the post-genocide context of the creation of a unified, “developed” nation. Through an in-depth ethnography of an exemplary ...read more
Before the International Copyright Act of 1891 was passed, the American literary marketplace was saturated with unauthorized reprints of British texts. Neither British nor American authors had any legal claim ...read more
Provincial assemblies were a widespread phenomenon in both the eastern and western provinces of the Roman Empire. Their official function was tending to the provincial imperial cult. Research on the ...read more
This project aims at testing whether Latin is configurational, and by this token whether it is possible for a linear string of Latin words to be structurally ambiguous. More specifically, ...read more