A Ugent BOF starting grants is funding research on this project, which examines the relationship between fashion and architecture in terms of their historical-theoretical underpinnings and on their interdependence in ...read more
The Pollino Archaeological Landscape Project is a research collaboration between the departments of Archaeology of the universities of Ghent (Belgium) and Groningen (The Netherlands), and the Gruppo Speleologico 'Sparviere' (Italy), ...read more
This project examines the role of written records and record-keeping in the construction of religious knowledge in ancient Greece. Traditionally, Greek religion is understood as an action-orientated religion based on ...read more
Whether as a patron, recipient or reader, the literate princess of the 15th and 16th centuries has been studied until now almost exclusively in her receiving role of literary culture. ...read more
Since the turn of the millennium, a number of European countries have introduced language and knowledge of society requirements for citizenship. In 2017, Norway followed the lead of other countries, ...read more
Gemapt' is a geotemporal platform for sharing, presenting and using digital heritage collections in function of a participatory heritage work. This project is developed with a focus on Ghent: 'Ghent ...read more
Recent years have seen renewed interest in the symbolic, cultural, and theatrical aspects of early modern diplomacy. However, the changed focus of New Diplomatic History has mostly neglected the lavish ...read more
Het doel van het project is het implementeren en valoriseren van een bestaand prototype van een gecentraliseerd kennisplatform dat Vlaamse social profit organisaties in de zorgsector toelaat om meertalige gezondheidsinformatie ...read more
This project concerns the development of a historical dialect database of the Flemish dialects for studying dialect syntax, based on the Reeks Nederlandse Dialectatlassen (RND). The concerned dataset is part ...read more