In modern languages, polite formulaic phrases often trace back to performative verbs (e.g. performative verbs of asking such as parakaló in Modern Greek, bitte in German or prego in Italian). more
In recent years, migration has become one of the defining features and preoccupations of European societies and a prominent literary theme. During the 1970s and 1980s, Spain experienced a wave more
By exploring the ways in which ´being’ and ´being made´ are legitimized by the state and produced through the experiences in the on/off line nexus of those seeking asylum in more
Ancient Greek dialects exhibit a great deal of geographic, diachronic, and sociolinguistic variation in their usage, both as spoken and as literary varieties. The Hellenistic age (4th – 1st cc. more
In the nineteenth century, equality before the law was considered the cornerstone of the Enlightenment legal doctrine, and this principle was enshrined in the constitutions of the liberal democracies of more
My project focuses on the history of Baohua Mountain from the late Ming to the middle Qing period (seventeenth–eighteenth century), tracing the establishment and development of the Vinaya (monastic code) more
Comics are a powerful means through which American values reached Italy in the 1930s and became part of its culture. With their formative potential influence on younger readers and wide more
Networking is important, also for an artist in the 19th century. François-Joseph Navez (1787-1869), director of the Académie des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles and a neoclassical artist, developed an impressive social more
Loneliness, which can be defined as the negative mental states (e.g. sadness, despair) that people experience when they feel that they do not have enough relationships, or not the right more
This project examines political communication in the popular assemblies of the Greek cities of the Hellenistic and Roman periods to offer new insights into the debate concerning the extent of more